Due to Sandy, the Mental Toughness Web-inar originally planned for 10/30 has been rescheduled to 11/8/12 at 11 am EST. Information and Registration below.
On Monday Sandy’s strong winds blew and gusted and the rains came in torrents and then when darkness fell I watched as the water escaped the river bank, came across the road, lapped against the tree line, and came up the driveway. I went out to look at the force of the incoming tide and height of the water, then checked the wind velocity and direction and the time for the full moon high tide. What I knew is that many forces beyond my control were at work and I would have to deal with the results.
The result for me was a tide that turned just in time. I was left with debris in the yard, an intact home and helpful neighbors. For me the result was an inconvenience, not a catastrophe. In preparation for the storm I planned based on what I had learned from previous hurricanes. I planned to manage my mental and physical preparations as well as my response to whatever happened. As it turned out, my mental toughness was hardly tested. Not so for many others, not so for myself at other times.
Sandy has battered many parts along the US East Coast. I feel fortunate to have fared better than most. Thoughts and prayers are with those of you who are recovering from this incredible force of Nature. It is difficult to find a way to provide support for so many but if it helps, start a dialogue, leave comments about how you are managing and where your strength comes from. We can learn from each other and it is in times of such stressful circumstances that we find internal, physical and mental strength to endure and succeed. These strengths are often referred to as Mental Toughness, a term not reserved for the athletic field. This is when our Behavioral Intelligence is in play. Mental Toughness is found in many circumstances including what we do when a catastrophe occurs. This seminar on Mental Toughness and Behavioral Intelligence was planned before Sandy formed – perhaps we can use Sandy’s timing to help us learn more about ourselves and how to be our personal best, peak performers, whether in sports, in business or in the most unusual circumstances.
Mental Toughness for Peak Performance: Behavioral Intelligence™ at Work | |||||||||||||||||||||
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