
What others are saying about Dr.Carol, Behavioral Intelligence®, Behavioral Intelligence at Work® and the STARR Process™:

“I joined your BI webinar today and really enjoyed it! I must say that I was a little skeptical that BI is in fact different than EI but came out of the session feeling like although correlated constructs, BI does not only likely stand on its own but is probably more actionable and useful in the workplace (and maybe personal life too).  In my experience EI is too broad and maybe overly  “clinical” in terms of being hard to impact and change in people, whereas BI and your STARR framework make it easier to grasp, develop and improve in folks. I look forward to finding ways to apply it in my job and my org!”

HR Director, Fortune 500 Company



“I keep your brightly colored “STARR” bookmark  on my desk blotter, where it is always visible.  My usual “m.o.” is to react, react, react, but now I practice the principles stop think assess respond review, and it has made a huge difference in my interactions, especially with my family.  Thank you so much for sharing this with me, it’s one of the best stress management tools that I’ve found.”

T.M. Medical Admissions Administrator


“STARR has saved my life!  I keep a bookmark tacked to the bookcase on the front of my desk to remind me to think things through before I say something.  I find I listen more, think more clearly and get more done.”  GG  College Dean


Thank you for your excellent coaching, insight, commitment and compassion during a very difficult time in my life.  You helped me create a level of mental clarity at a time when it was just overwhelmingly difficult for me to do so on my own.  I feel like I have a partner who understands me.  I now have what I was missing, someone to be my strength, for the person who is typically the strength for everyone else.  As my health trajectory continues to improve, we are going to see a side of me that even I couldn’t have imagined.  We are going to do great things together.       Entrepreneur, Sr. Leader